
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fishing (Every Day In May)

On the 5th day of May the topic of the day is Fishing....
If you were like me you might have grown up fishing. Thank's Dad, it has to be the best thing that you ever taught me.
What I truly enjoy about the sport of fishing is the fact that you can be rich or poor, healthy or disabled and it doesn't matter. If you desire to fish, you CAN. Another joy is introducing fishing into someone's life who never got to experience it growing up. It's a lot of fun to see them grow with the sport.
I grew up fishing the Bayou's of Louisiana for bass and the Marsh for redfish and trout. Now that I am in Texas most of my time is spent on the rivers of the area where I live but a few times a year are spent down South chasing tail.

Traditionally I have always fished with artificial lures and a baitcaster but the last year the fly bug has taken over and I would say that 80% of my fishing time is with a fly rod.

I guess the reason that fly fishing is so enjoyable is that it is pretty complicated which produces a challenge, and who doesn't like a challenge. The other thing would be the whole new set of friends made over the last year and the fun fishing trips that we have shared.

Thank you for reading my ramblings and when you get the chance, take someone Fishing........