
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bucket List ( Every Day In May )

Day 27 and the topic is Bucket List.

A Bucket List usually consists of things you would dream of doing before you die, or become uncapable of doing them. I'm sure many of you have one and feel free to comment on here what one is the most important to you.
At the top of my list if I had a list would be to live long enough that one day when I have grand kids i'd like to be able to share the joy of fishing with them.

Another box to check some day is a guided trip down one of the great Trout rivers of the world.

Would love to catch a Tarpon on a fly rod.

The Devil's River in Texas is one of the most beautiful and remote river's that we have in the state. Really would like to spend a week on it with some friends.

These are just a few of the things I would like to do. Would it bother me if these are not accomplished, probably not. As long as the big item on top is made possible, all else is material.

What's on your list...........


  1. dude, go do the devils river. it is nothing what you read about. if you want more specific info, email me.

  2. Thanks Casey. I have a few friends that go twice a year and invite me. I just haven't been able to make the trip with them yet. Hopefully soon.
