
Sunday, April 22, 2012

River Time

Pulling the kayak down the hill and into the river reminds me that I really need to start working out again. Once in the water and after wading fifty yards, I lifted the kayak over the dam and proceeded to paddle my way upstream against the current and into the chocolate waterway. The fishing was pretty good today with fish hitting a popper as well as a black wooly booger and the bigger fish coming from areas with current. It was also a good day to explore new areas. Today I did a lot of paddling up the current and wading through different sets of rapids going further upriver than before on this section. Still more to explore and more fish to catch on the next trip.


  1. I love fishing new stretches and exploring new waters. Anyway, I have been working on a day by day work-out for kayak anglers. I will start tomorrow. I will post it on my blog if you are interested in reading it and following along.

  2. Really nice report.

    God knows I miss the Hill Country.

    Hopefully, I can make it down there soon and we can hit the river together.

    Keep up the good work.

  3. I love getting to explore different waters, or even the same waters when levels and conditions have changed immensely! Great stuff.

  4. It's always exciting to see what's around the next bend or through the next set of rapids.
