
Sunday, January 22, 2012

"It's a Girl"

To those that know me i'm sure the title shocked you..... no worries it's not what is appears to be. I decided to do something different on the blog and contacted another fly fisherman that got their start around the same time as me. When searching for information I came across many good blogs to read and have been a follower on Fly Fishilicious . What I found to be unique about it is that you don't find as many women in the sport and the sport brings a lot of challenges for them to overcome since most manufacturers target men with their advertising and gear. I decided to contact Jen and ask her a few questions to which she was more than kind to answer.
 Jen Kugler (Fly Fishilicious) from: Littleton, CO.

Tell me about yourself: I’m Jen and I’m an addict. J Watching fly fishing videos makes my heart race like I’m in love and I get all giddy inside. This Winter thing is tough. I’m glad Colorado doesn’t have a ‘season’ and I’m able to get out if I need a hit or two…but it’s a rough sight.
Why Fly Fishing: It’s an outlet - therapy, and I really truly enjoy it. My little business cards actually have the saying ‘Catch and Release – Because eating your therapist is just uncivilized.’ Hahaa!
Favorite fish to pursue and favorite fly: Favorite fish – well, so far it’s only been trout. Brookies are beautiful, rainbows are classic and browns give a nice tug.  Favorite fly – I don’t have a favorite yet, but I know I used the Rainbow Warrior with a lot of success in 2011!
What have you found to be the easiest, and what has been the hardest thing about fly fishing so far: The easiest thing so far is the fishing. The hardest thing is the catching J No really, I think casting has been an interesting transition from spin to fly. There aren’t a whole lot of casting techniques with a spin rod – NOT the case with a fly rod. I just learned to double haul with Simon G. at the ISE this last weekend. That was fun!
Closing thoughts: Thoughts? I don’t have a whole lot of those. I’m just passionate and DO things. Haha.
Thanks for playing along Jen. If you get a chance click on the link and read her blog.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the opportunity to be featured. Love your blog. Keep up the good work! ~Jen
