
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bonefish off the Bucket List

Cozumel, Mexico was the destination. Given only one day to scratch Bonefish from my Bucket List, we sent our wives for a day of fun and sun on the beach while myself and two friends met up with a guide to give it a shot.

 Traveling light, I took the custom 8wt and Solitude5 reel along for the adventure.

After a forty minute boat ride in some rough water we manuvered into the sheltered Lagoon and anchored the boat. Jumping over the side of the Panga we seperated with me going solo with a guide since I was fly fishing and the others going to work a different stretch of water with the guides brother.

With the fish feeding on shrimp, I was given a streamer that closely imitated the bait in the lagoon.

The wind was howling as the front approached. With overcast skies and spotty rain showers it made for a rough time trying to sightfish and spot tailing bones. Suddenly two appeared within casting range. As the fly sailed in their direction, it's direction was changed and the fish went away spooked. We covered a lot of water occasionaly spotting a few tailing bones out of casting range and dissapearing as we approached.
Then it happened. Pointing in the direction of the feeding fish I stalked within casting range. Three casts later as the fly was stripped, the bite was felt and the hookset was perfect. The bone took line and surprised me with it's power as it headed towards a grove of mangrove bushes. With all of the line out and into backing, I tightened the drag and leaned on the fish trying to turn it. After successfully turning the fish it made another run and the line went limp. Epic fail as I watched a 5-6lb class Bonefish swim away. Reeling in the line I found that the knot held but the hook had been straightened.

Tying a new fly on and covering more ground, we moved to a deeper part of the lagoon and fan casted the area. It wasn't long and the fly stopped on a strip and the fight was on. Knowing that these fish are hard to catch it put a big smile on my face as my hand slid under it's belly and the fish lifted for a picture before releasing. Success was finally mine.

The 1/2 day trip ended with me catching three Bonefish and one of my friends catching another.

Next on the list of many is Redfish......